Career Planning

SEKRI employees receive on the job training, transferable skills, and on the job support.  Employees can work on their general education diploma via Skype while on the job.  Rehabilitation counselors provide person centered counseling with employees to help set short term and long term goals for the future.

SEKRI employees with disabilities receive accommodations for their work schedule to attend therapy sessions, drug court or doctor's appointments.  A lower production rate is provided for employees with disabilities.

Employees are also eligible to be promoted within the plant on jobs as they become available and the employee is qualified for the position.

Employees may be reassigned to other jobs as they become available and the employee is qualified.

Community Rehabilitation Referral Sources

Community and Employment Opportunities (CEO)- makes referrals for candidates for employment at SEKRI, provides transportation to SEKRI for employees with disabilities.

Physicians - SEKRI rehabilitation counselors work with the local physicians to ensure our associates have support and services needed to support their employment. Often SEKRI counselor assist our employee's with establishing appropriate medical care and appointments.

Food Stamp Office - make referrals for jobs at SEKRI

Goodwill Industries organization - refers applicants for jobs at SEKRI

18th Judicial Drug Court - SEKRI works with program supervisors of the drug court to help employees to remain alcohol and drug free. Rehabilitation staff keeps in contact with the supervisors and case workers of employees who are mandated to attend drug court. SEKRI is a drug and alcohol free facility. All New employees are required to adhere to random drug testing.

Office of the Blind -An assistive technologist will come to SEKRI to provide, and make recommendations for assistive technology to assist our employees who are blind. Tools such as magnifying glass with arm extension to make it easier to thread a needle, magnifying screens for associates to check quality, develop appropriate signage to microwaves so our blind employees can independently prepare their lunch. Office of the Blind also helps make referrals for eye doctor's screenings, and help to pay for needed eye glasses.

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation - refers applicants for jobs at SEKRI, helps with transportation to the psychological/vocational/Learning disability evaluation appointment. Kentucky Career Center - provides needed accommodations for employees with disabilities; work station, chair adjustments, suggestions and any reasonable accommodation to help the employee be successful on the job.

Recovery Programs/ Therapists/Counselors - SEKRI rehabilitation counselors make referrals for therapy for employees who request help or are required to enroll in therapy after a positive drug screening.

Veteran's Affairs Department - makes referrals of veteran's for jobs at SEKRI. SEKRI provides a van for transportation for veteran's to come to work. Rehabilitation counselors provide on the job support for veterans.

Veteran Employee Services


We actively recruit veterans, including disabled veterans or veterans with service related disabilities, by attending regional veteran job fairs.

Career Interest Development

SEKRI helps develop lines of business more appealing to the career interests of our returning veterans such as construction, warehousing, & logistics


SEKRI provides general transportation services for employees in need.

On-site GED & Adult Education

Southeastern Kentucky Rehabilitations Industries encourages lifelong learning and seeks to provide increased opportunities for continued education for SEKRI employees. We are committed to providing additional resources and links to valuable information to assist individuals with goals including earning a degree, earning a GED, improving literacy and comprehension skills.   The Adult Learning program provides one on one tutoring for our employees in addition to classes in a variety of subjects. Classes include:

Self-management Skills




Financial Literacy


Basic Computer Skills


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